Windows: a good investment, or a GREAT investment? — Bright Star Handyman Service | Philadelphia and South Jersey's Local Handyman

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“Set wide the window. Let me drink the day.” ~ Edith Wharton

As much as I love drinking the day, it's starting to be a chilly beverage. sometimes even with the windows closed I can still feel a bit of a draft. And even when I don't, my wallet feels all the extra heat escaping through my windows! What, reader, is a handyman to do? One of the best things to do to remedy both issues:

I can install some brand new windows.

Some might argue that the last thing anyone needs is an extra expense right now. Can a modern budget accommodate the cost of brand new windows and the services to install them? But I'd counter that by asking: Who among us can afford NOT to make an investment in our properties and our lives?

A new set of windows can provide a home owner advantages they didn't even realize they lacked! Sure, we all know that a new window can help prevent those nasty drafts, but have you ever considered how windows also help to block out the noise of the world? They even help me maintain good relations with my neighbors; they don't have to hear me cranking my favorite jams.

The boss himself

I'm a Springsteen fan myself, but sometimes my neighbors aren't. No accounting for taste, I tell you!

New windows can also provide some peace of mind. Old worn out windows may make a home an easier target for uninvited guests. Bugs and rodents may find easier entry with older windows, and they sadly aren't the only ones. I know my neighborhood is a safe one, but not everyone is so lucky.

The extra security I feel from a quality window installation is a feeling I refuse to go without.

And when I consider the potential UV protection newer windows provide? installing a new set seems like a no brainer.

"But you mentioned something about 'money' and 'wallets', didn't you?"

My dear reader, I can hear you; and yes I certainly did.

Helping to keep the heat in during the winter months (and the cold in the summer months) becomes money in your pocket with the savings a new set of windows can give you on your energy bill. Many home owners who opt for a new set of windows notice a savings on their bill between 10-20%. It'd be nice to see something go down in price for a change, now wouldn't it?

all they want is love!!

There are less obvious savings you can enjoy from a new set of windows being installed, like those you will see when it comes time for your HVAC replacement. You know, that one you wont be needing quite as soon because you didn't overwork the poor thing.

Some people even see some additional savings at tax time; IRS form 5695 gives people the opportunity to claim tax credits for energy efficient home improvements. But you'll want to ask your accountant about all of THAT. I'm not the 'Bright Star Accountantman' after all.

Even those who don't plan on staying in their home much longer can experience the benefits of window replacement!

For those who either are or are considering selling their home, a fresh set of panes can add serious curb appeal with a clean updated look, letting potential buyers know THIS is a home to take pride in owning. It doesn't stop there either; in a recent survey of potential home buyers, the majority report energy efficiency as important in their new purchase, and windows can be a key factor in that equation.

In fact, window replacement is so desirable in a new home purchase that the seller can see between 65-80% ROI on their installations. That's 'return on investment' for you non-financial types (hmm, maybe I COULD be the accountantman). So even if you don't plan on moving for a while, you can expect an eventual recouping of some of the cost.

Staying in your home, selling your home; either way, getting your windows replaced may just be one of the best investments you can make in the comfort, security, and resale-ability of your home.

As for me? Don't worry! I'd never leave this fantastic south Jersey community! Any time you need me, I'll be happy to help. Feel free to give a call to (856) 448-6148, or by clicking here.

Until then, I'll be drinking in the day.

With a hot coffee in hand.