10 Outdoor-Inspired Accessories For Your Home — Bright Star Handyman Service | Philadelphia and South Jersey's Local Handyman

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10 Outdoor-Inspired Accessories For Your Home

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There's something about spring that makes me want to spend 22 hours of my day outside. Unfortunately, my apartment has no outdoor space to speak of — sigh — and I don't always have the time or the patience to travel to a park to get my nature fix. So this year, I'm bringing nature to my home by filling it with accessories that evoke the great outdoors. That way, even if I can't make it outside, I'll still get a little mood boost courtesy of my favorite flowers and plants.

These 10 finds are a perfect representation of the beauty you find when you step outside, and while in no way a replacement for fresh air and sunshine, they're sure to bring a smile to any nature lover's face.